Some Computer Magic trick which you should know

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Well there are few computer tricks, which is actually very easy to perform and each one of us should know. And trust me, by learning these tricks, you can easily show to your friends and would feel proud (just kidding 😉 ).

Following are some mentioned tricks, which you could try.

Make your computer/ Laptop Speak whatever you type:

You can actually create your own software by using Notepad in your computer. Just follow the steps and you can type whtever you want your computer to speak. Imagine you talking to someone and letting your computer speak.

Copy the code given below in notepad and save it as anyname.vbs. Make sure that you save it as .vbs file.


Dim message, sapi
message=InputBox("What do you want me to say?","Speak to Me")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak message


After making a .vbs file just double click on that file and type anything you want in the textbox.
Let Microsoft answer lots of thing to you at once:

You just need to Open Microsoft Word And Type =rand (290,60) Then Hit Enter.
Microsoft would not be able to give answer for this thing.

Make your Notepad your time machine:

Just open your notepad and type .LOG and save it on your desktop. (any name)
Whenever you would open it, it would tell you the correct time.

A folder with no name:

Just press Right Click On any Folder And Select Rename option from the drop down menu.
Now Press ALT key From Your Key Board  And Type 0160 From Your Key Board (press the ALT key throughout while you type 0160). Congrats a no name folder has been created.

Make your computer/ Laptop run 200% faster:

Few changes in your Windows registry and your computer would peform 200% times more faster. Just follow the steps:

  • Go To Start menu Click Run Type regedit.
  • Select Control Panel Folder.
  • Select Desktop Folder.
  • In Right Side Panel Select MenuShowDelay.
  • Right Click On MenuShowDelay And Select Modify.
  • Change Data Value 000 Instead of 400 and Click OK.
  • Now Restart Your PC You Will Notice That Your Computer Has Become Much More Faster.

I have tested all the tricks and everyone is working fine. If you like the tricks share the good word to all the world.