Recover deleted files from USB, Pen Drive or Memory Card

Recover deleted files from USB, Pen Drive or Memory Card

To be very honest, most of us accidentally delete files and folders and wish that  it recovered. The most problematic thing is CTRL + Shift + Delete, which we use very often, instead of just using the delete command. But yes now there is a way where you can recover the deleted files. The chances are 50 – 50 to recover.

Generally whenever we delete file from computer it is actually not deleted but the space is being vacant and another files over write it, with the help of software these days, file recover is not that hard.

You might like to follow below mentioned steps to recover your file:

How to recover deleted files from USB, Pen Drive and Memory Card:

See if the files are critical, would suggest you to go for Paid tools, as it is more effective and results are achieved. That Paid tool could be download by clicking below link:

Card Recovery Pro

With this software you can do following things:

  • Recover accidentally removed files
  • Undelete Files which were deleted by mistake
  • Recover upto 200+ formats of files from the memory card or pendrive or hard disk
  • Recover shift + deleted files

To Recover deleted files from Computer or Laptops:

There are many ways to recover such deleted files. But if you are only looking forward for a FREE one, you might like to download RECUVA

Now, if you are interested in exploring other options as well, please follow the below mentioned steps:

  • Download this software : Download UndeletePlus
  • One the download and installation is complete select the drive on which you have deleted your file and select the filter button at the top.You can search for any specific file or all at once.
  • Choose the setting which suits your need.
  • Now click on the Start Scan button.
  • Once the scanning process have been completed you can see the file in the window and a preview of the file will be displayed when you click on it.
  • Click on the recover file button and you will be asked for the license key.Register with them and get it or just surf the net you might get it for free somewhere.
  • Enter the license key and click on the continue button and you will be prompted to continue,Just click yes and you will get your file in the folder where you have specified.

Hope this helps. If you have some other means to recover the file please do share with us or comment.