How AI is Transforming the Face of Healthcare Industry

AI in HealthCare

AI is revolutionary. Major medical and pharmaceutical companies are already overwhelmed by the power of artificial intelligence. Although it is still debatable whether AI must take the place of a human in healthcare, AI has shown excellent results yet today.

Currently, healthcare is supposed to be the leading industry that will get profoundly impacted by AI.

AI in HealthCare

Artificial intelligence has a sophisticated learning curve that shortly will help physicians in making right decisions and treatment plans. The latest news on Johnson and Johnson’s Sedasys system receiving FDA approval to use AI-powered machines to deliver anaesthesia is a rock solid step in the direction. There is also numerous Artificial Intelligence powered machines that are assisting physicians in diagnosing disease, but they are all in testing phases.

What are the other realms of Healthcare that AI will touch?

Data Management of health records:

The most complicated segment of the healthcare industry. Collecting and storing all the health records
of an average count of patients in a typical healthcare organization becomes a laborious task. Artificial Intelligence enthusiasts are helping in tracing the lineage with the projects like Google Deepmind Health. A project that merely focuses on maintaining and retrieving patient medical records to ensure faster detection and treatment plans.

Assist with mundane tasks:

A cognitive assistant is being developed to assist the physicians in ordinary and repetitive tasks. The assistant has reasoning power, analytical power, and a good database of clinical
knowledge to carry out the tasks. These assistants are being developed to free the physicians
from the burden of mundane tasks such as checking x-ray reports and focusing on more crucial

In-person and online consultation Apps:

Getting a doctor’s appointment is considered a tough task nowadays. At times you may be going through some symptoms that do not need immediate doctor attention but do need a diagnosis. AI consultation helps you wait for a GP appointment and diagnose the medical issues, get a treatment plan just merely with an App. You must punch in your symptoms and let the App analyze. Along with your history and current symptoms, it will help you with medicines
and other treatment plans.

Treatment plan assistance:

Challenging, but the Artificial intelligence has probed into developing treatment plans. The powered machine will supposedly provide treatment plans based on evidence-based treatment
options as they learn along. The machines are powered by an analytical mind that understands the clinical language and data. The client’s medical history, external research, and current test results are weighed automatically by AI, and a treatment plan is offered.

Artificial intelligence is being developed with ethical standards to benefit the entire healthcare
sector. Doctors, patients, and medical assistants are highly optimistic about the benefits of AI is
changing the face of healthcare.

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