Smart Tricks for YouTube

Smart Tricks for YouTube

Smart Tricks for YouTube. Given below are few tricks you can play with you tube. The tricks will teach to set a Specific Start Time, set Auto Replay For Video, watching Video With Slow Internet Speed in you tube. In this blog would teach you Smart Tricks for YouTube, which are very easy to apply and understand.

The steps involved are very simple and easy to understand.


To Start Video at Specific Time:

There are times you want to start a video at a particular part or time skipping certain parts or to share the same. To do so you need to  at the end of this URL while sharing this video and it will start playing video from 1 Minute and 02 Seconds instead of its initial position.

Setting Auto Replay:

To set auto play for a particular video replace Youtube with infinitelooper in the URL bar and hit enter.

To Watch Video With Slow Internet Speed:

If the speed of internet you are using is slow and you want to watch youtube videos you will need to add feather beta feature. Feather beta feature removes the bytes which restricts the browser speed of streaming video hence unleashes full capacity of browser to allow streaming at rapid rate.

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