Tricks to Root your Android Device
This trick will help you to root your android device. The steps involved are very simple and easy to understand.
What is rooting?
Android rooting is a process to unlock your phone from certain permissions enforced by device manufacturers. It is like getting super user permission. As general users you are limited to use for some functionalities of your phone. Some apps not worked without super user permission. The root user has access of entire operating system, by default you do not have.
How to check your device is rooted?
1st Method: Â (window pc)
- First on usb debugging from your developer options in android phone.
- First Download android studio bundle
- Go to SDK->platform-tools
- Drag mouse on adb file CTL+ALT right click mouse button, open command window here
- Attach you phone or tablet with PC using usb cable
- Now write command on black cmd window, adb devices, press enter key
- A message will be displayed list of device attached with your device number
- Again cmd commond adb shell if your device is not rooted then $ will be displayed otherwise #
2nd Method
Download Kingo Root on your PC run to it, automatically detect your device is rooted or not.
Download from here
Rooting method: (Window PC)
- First on usb debugging from your developer options in android phone
- Download superoneclick from here
- Click on root button following messages will be display on screen
It will take little bit time; you will get a message running a su test success, means the rooting process completed .now you will get a super user app on your launcher screen.