Tricks to Add friend on Facebook & Hide It From Your Status Updates

Add Friend Button from a Facebook Profile

You may come across certain condition that while using facebook that, someone have send you friend request or you want to add someone as friend but due to some reason you want to hide it from your status update.

Well this trick will help you to teach to Add friend on Facebook & Hide It From Your Status Updates The steps involved are simple and easy to undersand.

Follow these steps.

Step 1

Go to Facebook home page.

Step 2

Under Setting select Privacy Settings

Step 3

Youll see four choices: Profile, Search, News Feed, and Applications

Step 4

Click that dropdown menu and then select Customize By default, everything on your profile is limited to your Friends and your Networks.

Step 5

Type out the name of any of your Friends to restrict that person from viewing anything in your Status Updates and select it then save.

This will help you to hide your status from that person.

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