Tricks Remotely Control Your Computer From a Phone or Tablet

Remotely Control Your Computer From a Phone

This trick will help you to remotely control your computer from a phone or tablet. The steps invilved are simple and easy to understand.

There are many software to which allows you you to remotely control your computer from a phone or tablet. Of them the most user friendly being the Team Viewer. So for this trick you will need to download the Team Viewer. Then follow the following steps.

Step 1

Download Team Viewer and install it. Then connect both the computer and the phone are connected to the Internet.

Step 2

Open Team Viewer on the computer.

Step 3

Note down the ID and password that's displayed in Team Viewer – or have someone tell it to you on phone.

Step 4

Fire up Team Viewer on the smartphone or tablet.

Step 5
Enter the ID and password you noted down earlier in the smartphone/ tablet TeamViewer app.

Step 6

Tap Remote Control.

Step 7

Now you'll see the computer's screen on your phone or tablet. You can control it easily now.

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