Tricks Make Calls, Send and Receive SMS From Your Computer Using an Android Phone

send call from computer

This trick will help you to Make Calls, Send and Receive SMS From Your Computer Using an Android Phone. The steps involved are simple and easy to understand.

There are many software to which allows you Make Calls, Send and Receive SMS From Your Computer Using an Android Phone. Of them the most user friendly being the AirDroid. So for this trick you will need to download the AirDroid. Then follow the following steps.

Step 1

Download AirDroid on your Android phone.

Step 2

Open the app on your Android phone.

Step 3

The app will ask you to create an account, but it is not needed. Just tap the tiny Sign in later button at the bottom.

Step 4

Now AirDroid will ask you for permission to show notifications on your computer in real time. Tap Enable.

Step 5

This will take you to the system settings for access to notifications. Tap AirDroid Notification Mirror service.

Step 6

A confirmation pop-up will appear. Tap OK.

Step 7

Now hit the back button on your phone to return to AirDroid. The app will now display a URL – – on the phone.

Step 8

Open the URL in any Web browser on your computer. You'll see a QR code in the browser window.

Step 9

On AirDroid on your Android phone, tap the QR code image next to the URL. This will open the camera.

Step 10

Point the camera at the QR code in the browser window on your computer. The Android app will vibrate when it has scanned the code.

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