How to recover the lost of front page content without coding in WordPress


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How to recover the lost of front page content without coding in WordPress. If you are a WordPress developer, and you have no idea how to coding or editing in the WordPress, then as a fresher you may face many problems.

How to recover the lost of front page content without coding in WordPress.

A very common problem face developers when they change on home pages at regular intervals, without any noting. Suddenly what happened on the front page, we have lost the beautification and functionality of our front page, and most the crucial issues/problem is that we have noting to note or remind or rollback command over here.

So what should we do in this situation to get our very first page without any coding?

So no need to worry buddy, just go to your home/front page, there is an option “Revisions:” in publish column, its store the browser data, depends on your browsing. Just click on “Browser” button and select the very first time of your changes on given time list.

Just select the time and click on “Restore this session” tab. Hurrey, you got your very  first page.

Log into your WordPress admin panel and go to Pages or Posts (Depending on which one you want to restore). Click on Trash and you’ll be redirected to all your deleted pages and posts. Select the page you want to restore, and two options will appear under it – Restore and Delete Permanently.

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