Amazing Snapchat hacks – No one ever told you
You won’t believe you didn’t know about these unknown hacks of Snapchat. Getting good at Snapchat used to take time and practice but not for you. Here are the best tips and tricks for your Snaps, Stories, and more…
Hack 1 – How to use up to 3 filters at once
You know to swipe left or right on your photo to apply a filter, it’s one of the first tricks beginner’s learn but have you spotted the Layers button? Tap this, the stack of 3 squares, to add more than one filter to the same Snap. Easy.
The old two-handed technique for layering filters was one of the best Snapchat hacks. You’d choose your first, then press a finger on your screen while you scrolled to find your second filter with your free hand – when you landed on it, you’d stop touching the screen. Two filters applied, you chose one more by tapping and holding the screen again until you made your third pick. That was how to apply more than one filter. Today, it’s much simpler, don’t you think?
Hack – 2 How to make Snaps last more than 10 seconds
Film Long Snaps in the first place – the longer you press and hold the circle record button on the app’s camera screen, the longer your Snap will be. Alternatively, change how long your Snap will play when your friends open it up. When editing, tap the clock and press the infinity icon, so your friends can see your Snap as long as they like. Or have your video play on a loop, by pressing the circular arrow button below the paperclip, so your Snap plays again and again until your friend closes it.
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Hack – 3 Add links in Snapchat
The paperclip button to the right on your toolbar? Tap it, paste in the URL you copied or type or search the link, then choose Attach to Snap. That’s all there is to it. Now, when your friends swipe up on your Snap, they’ll go to the website you picked. Be it a news story, online petition, crowd funder, or something else.
Hack – 4 Snapchat Story hacks to keep yours fresh
Remix a friend’s Story Snap. If you were mentioned or want to reply, press and hold your friend’s Snap and tap Remix Snap to put your spin on it, then Send. Using Snapchat on your iPhone? Create a Story from Memories. Swipe up on the Snapchat camera to go to Memories, where you can tap the red circle with a tick in it and choose the Snaps that you want to create your Story with. And did you know? You also can share Stories on your other apps, just by tapping and holding the Story for the option to Share.

Hack – 5 How to find your friends on Snap Map
Swipe right twice from the main camera screen to open Snap Map and you’ll see the world dotted with hotspots where Snaps were taken in the last 24 hours – blue is a few, red is lots. Pinch and zoom to roam the planet and you’ll see your friends who are sharing their location with you. You can tap their Story to watch it or their profile picture or Bitmoji to message them in Chat. Can’t seem to find your friend? Use Search at the top of the map. Or tap Friends at the bottom of your Snap Map and use the Friends Tray feature to catch up on their travels and see where they’ve visited.
Hack – 6 Be invisible for 3 hours, 24 hours, or till you toggle off Ghost Mode
Enjoy being off-grid for a while. When you go to Snap Map and tap the gear icon for Settings, you can toggle Ghost Mode on to hide your location from your friends for as long as you like. Or you can do this in your main privacy settings on Snapchat, below the Who Can section is See My Location.
Hack – 7 Perfect your Snapchat privacy settings
Want to hide your Stories from a friend? Tap the cog button on your Snapchat profile page to get to your privacy settings and choose the Custom setting, below View My Story, to block them from seeing what you’re sharing. While you’re here, have an explore and make choices about your privacy everywhere on the app. See Me In Quick Links, for example, lets you control whether you pop up as a recommended friend for other Snapchatters.
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