Twitter Guide on How to Upload 4K Image, also with Twitter image size 2021

According to the Wall Street Journal, 85% of the time Twitter users spent on Twitter happened on a mobile device. So it doesn’t really matter what shows on desktop. You should upload the right image for mobile. This article is guide on How to Upload 4K Image for Android and iOS Users for Twitters.
Additionally, you need your image tweet to look good in the news feed. While it’s great that you can click an image for the full view – the huge majority of people won’t. In this article for will also be taught about the latest Twitter images sizes along with other tips.
About Twitter: (Guide on How to Upload 4K Image on Twitter)
Twitter is an American microblogging and social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as “tweets”. Registered users can post, like and retweet tweets, but unregistered users can only read them. Users access Twitter through its website interface or its mobile-device application software (“app”), though the service could also be accessed via SMS before April 2020. Twitter, Inc. is based in San Francisco, California, and has more than 25 offices around the world. Tweets were originally restricted to 140 characters, but was doubled to 280 for non-CJK languages in November 2017. Audio and video tweets remain limited to 140 seconds for most accounts.
Follow these Step by Step Guide on How to Upload 4K Image on Twitter
Step 1:
Log in to your Twitter Account from your mobile App.
Step 2:
Tap on the hamburger menu icon in the top-left corner.
Step 3:
Tap o Setting and privacy.
Step 4:
Tap on Data Usage from the GENERAL Section.
Step 5:
Head to High quality images upload that shows up to 4K.
Steps 6:
Select your network preference for the same.
BONUS TIPS in addition to How to Upload 4K Image on Twitter
What’s the best Twitter image size now?
Let’s run through all the image types you could possibly need for Twitter in 2021.
One caveat covers all: Twitter supports JPEG, GIF, and PNG file formats.
Twitter round profile image size
Twitter switched from square to round profile picture in June 2017. The recommended dimensions are still 400×400 pixels.
While the profile image will appear at 400×400 pixels when clicked on desktop, any square or round shape of at least 400px square will work. The aspect ratio for the Twitter avatar is 1:1. Maximum file size for profile photos is 2MB.
Twitter image post size on mobile:
The most-recommended size was 1024 x 512. I’m not certain that originated with Twitter. But the 2:1 proportion did work best on mobile.
The maximum file size is 5MB for photos and animated GIFs. You can go up to 15MB if you’re posting via their website. You can tweet up to four images per post. Two images will appear stacked side by side, both with an aspect ratio of 7:8
Additional tips for updating your profile or header photo:
You can edit your Twitter profile on desktop or mobile, but your Twitter theme color is only editable on
To customize your theme or display color:
* In the sidebar menu, click on More.
* Next, click Display.
* Now choose your desired font size, color, and background theme.
Also Read: Everything You Need to About Twitter so You can Use it like a Pro
If your Image is Not Uploading then try these steps: (Guide on How to Upload 4K Image on Twitter)
1. Make sure you’re on, or the Twitter app for iOS or Android. To upload a profile photo you must be on the web or using an official application.
2. Check your file type. Twitter supports JPEG, GIF, and PNG file formats. Profile photos with nudity will be removed.
3. Check the size of your image. Maximum file size for profile photos is 2MB.
4. Check the dimensions. Recommended dimensions for profile images are 400×400 pixels. Recommended dimensions for header images are 1500×500 pixels.
5. Try uploading one of the header images from our gallery. We have perfectly sized header images which you can apply to your account. If the issue you experienced is resolved, you can use our image as a template and resize your preferred image accordingly.
6. Check your browser. Try either upgrading your browser so it is up to date, or try using a different browser. Your upload problem may be related to the browser or computer you’re using.
7. Make sure you click ‘Apply.’ Your image won’t save until you do.