What is Pinterest?
Pinterest is a social network that allows users to visually share, and discover new interests by posting (known as ‘pinning’ on Pinterest) images or videos to their own or others’ boards (i.e. a collection of ‘pins,’ usually with a common theme) and browsing what other users have pinned. Pinterest is more then a photo sharing sites. Pinterest is like a virtual bulletin or cork board that allows users to find and curate images and videos. Pinterest always discovery and provide new latest and updated beautification.This is certainly right on trend with social media’s continued emphasis on visual content. Content with images gets 94% more views than content without.
Using a visual orientation, the social network is very much focused on the concept of a person’s lifestyle, allowing you to share your tastes and interests with others and discovering those of likeminded people.
How we can access Pintrest
Step 1
- Open Pinterest from https://www.pinterest.com/.
- If you haven’t created a Pinterest account yet, you’ll need to create an account before continuing.
- You may need to sign into Pinterest by entering your email address and password when prompted (on desktop, click Sign In in the top-right corner of the page).
- It will ask you to join by connecting with Facebook or Twitter, but a third option lets you sign up using your email address.
Step 2 Follow Some Boards: Once you have an account, you’ll need to find fascinating boards to fill your feed. Pinterest gets you started by suggesting some. Select a category from the list such as Design, Geek, Science & Nature, and Technology among others, and then check at least five boards to continue.
Step 3 Verify Your Account: After selecting some boards you’ll receive an email confirmation.
Step 4 Start Saving Pins to Your Boards: Use the following steps
- Save Pins You Find on Pinterest: To save a pin that you found while browsing Pinterest, just hover your cursor over the pin and click the red Save button that appears in the top right corner.
- Save Pins You Have on Your Computer or What You Find on the Web
- Navigate to your profile click either your Pins tab or Boards tab and look for the Create Pin button or Create Board button to the far left of your pins/boards.
- Create Pin: If the image is on your computer, so you can upload it to the web. However, if what you want to pin is on the web, copy and paste the direct URL in the given field and you’ll be able to select specific image you want to pin.
- Create Board: Use this to create different boards and to keep your pins organized. Name your board and make it Secret (private) if you like.
- Pro Tip: If you like to randomly save things to Pinterest while browsing the web, you’ll definitely want to install Pinterest’s browser button to make saving as easy as doing in a couple of clicks.
How does it work?
Pinterest allows you to use visual assets like
- photos or infographics as a type of social currency in their own right
- garnering likes and “repins,” the equivalent of shares or retweets
- instead supplementing web pages, blog posts, or other text-based media.
You can easily post images from other websites to your Pinterest account using the “Pin it” task bar button, or you can just browse the Pinterest platform to discover, like, or “repin” content others have already posted.
This visual aspect of the site is one reason why it’s captured the interest of so many businesses, from retailers to photographers and designers, who are using it as a portfolio or product catalog. Customers and clients can say which products they love (shoes, bottles of alcohol, furniture … you name it) and want to buy for themselves, and their friends can further the endorsement by pinning the pictures to their own boards.
Under each Pinterest account, you can create and curate multiple boards. This is an interesting solution to the problem of having one social media account, but various interests.
For example, many people manage two Twitter accounts, one for business and one for pleasure. But on Pinterest, you can curate boards that are totally unrelated and it doesn’t unnecessarily clutter your followers’ streams.
source from blogs.constantcontact.com
source from lifewire.com