How to hide files and folders using command prompt easily

How to hide files and folders using command prompt easily

Most of the times, we hide some of our personal files in the computer system so that it is not easily accessible by others. There is a very long method to do it, first hide it and then unhide it if you need some stuffs out of it. But here in we would teach you a basic few steps How to hide files and folders using command prompt easily.

How to hide files and folders using command prompt easily


Lets take an example of a file or folder named "Personal" which is situated in D drive of your computer and you wish to hide it.


Simply follow the Steps mentioned below.



  • You need to open "Command Prompt" first. Shortest way to open Command Prompt is,
  • Press Windows Button + R.  run command dialog box would open



  • Just type "cmd" in the dialog box and hit enter.
  • Command Prompt would open.



  • Now, type attrib +s +h D:Personal and press enter (D is the drive where your file/folder is and Personal is the name of it)
  • The folder "Personal" would be hidden and cannot be viewed by any search options.
  • Now the file/ folder named Personal has been hidden. In order to un-hide it, open the command prompt again and type the command

          attrib -s -h D:Personal

  • The files/folder would be automatically unhidden.


This is a simple trick yet effective and time effective.

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