Google Chrome Tips and Shortcuts, Helpful tips to maximize Chrome

In this article we are sharing Google Chrome Tips and Shortcuts for Better Browsing. From tab groups, to learning time-saving keyboard shortcuts, these Chrome tips can help you get things done more quickly with your browser. The tips are divided into 4 parts which are as follows:
1. Helpful tips to maximize Chrome:
2. Organize your tabs with Chrome tab groups:
3. Customize Chrome with these tips:
4. Use Chrome keyboard shortcuts to save time:
About Google Chrome:
Google Chrome is a cross-platform web browser developed by Google. It was first released in 2008 for Microsoft Windows built with free software components from Apple WebKit and Mozilla Firefox. It was later ported to Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android where it is the default browser built into the OS. The browser is also the main component of Chrome OS, where it serves as the platform for web applications.
Most of Chrome’s source code comes from Google’s free and open-source software project Chromium, but Chrome is licensed as proprietary freeware. WebKit was the original rendering engine, but Google eventually forked it to create the Blink engine; all Chrome variants except iOS now use Blink.
The following are Google Chrome Tips and Shortcuts for Better Browsing
1. Helpful tips to maximize Chrome: (Google Chrome Tips and Shortcuts)
A. Fill out and save PDFs without losing your edits:
Fill out a PDF form in Chrome, and don’t worry about losing the information you entered. Just save it with your inputs and when you open the file again, you can pick up where you left off.
i. Fill out the PDF in your browser.
ii. Click Download .
iii. Select either the “Original” or “Edited” version.
B. Bookmark all your tabs at once:
Don’t waste time clicking on individual tabs to bookmark them. With Chrome you can bookmark all your open tabs just by clicking Bookmarks in your menu and selecting Bookmark All Tabs.
i. At the top right, click More .
ii. Click Bookmarks.
iii. Click Bookmark All Tabs.
C. Automatically open a set of pages on Chrome startup:
With Chrome, you can set your go-to pages to open automatically every time you open your browser.
i. At the top right, click More .
ii. Click Settings.
ii. Under “On Startup,” click Open a specific page or set of pages.
D. Find what you’re looking for fast:
Save time sifting through tons of text and search for a specific word or phrase.
i. At the top right, click More .
ii. Click Find.
iii. Enter the text you want to find.
Also Read: How to find forgotten passwords with Google Chrome
2. Organize your tabs with Chrome tab groups: (Google Chrome Tips and Shortcuts)
A. Create your tab group:
You can group tabs to keep related pages together in one workspace. To create a tab group, just right-click any tab and select Add tab to new group.
i. Right-click a tab.
ii. Click Add Tab to new group.
iii. Click New Group or click the name of an existing tab group.
B. Name your Chrome tab groups and customize colors:
When you create a group, the tabs in your group will all have the same color. You can assign different colors to different groups to find them faster. Just click the circle next to your tab group to enter a name and pick a color.
i. Right-click the colored circle next to the tab group you wish to name.
ii. Enter a name for the tab group.
iii. Pick a color for the tab group.
C. Name your Chrome tab groups and customize colors:
When you create a group, the tabs in your group will all have the same color. You can assign different colors to different groups to find them faster. Just click the circle next to your tab group to enter a name and pick a color.
i. Right-click the colored circle next to the tab group you wish to name.
ii. Enter a name for the tab group.
iii. Pick a color for the tab group.
D. Collapse tab groups:
A simple click is all it takes to collapse a tab group when you need more space. Just click once on your Tab Group name to collapse, then click again to reopen.
* To expand or collapse a tab group, click its name or colored circle.
E. Reorder tab groups:
Tab groups are easy to rearrange. Click and hold the name of your Tab Group and drag to the desired spot.
* Click and drag a tab group name or colored circle to move the whole group.
3. Customize Chrome with these tips: (Google Chrome Tips and Shortcuts)
A. Create Chrome shortcuts to your favorite sites
Shortcuts can help save you precious time. Just go to the ‘Shortcuts’ dialog in the Customize menu.
i. Open a new tab.
ii. At the bottom right, click Customize.
iii. Click Shortcuts.
B. Choose your browser’s color:
Pick a color theme that fits your mood, or apply different themes to different Chrome profiles.
i. Open a new tab.
ii. At the bottom right, click Customize.
iii. Click Color and theme.
C. Add a Chrome profile:
Adding a Chrome profile will help save your bookmarks and history.
i. At the top right, click Profile .
ii. Click Add.
iii. Choose a name and a photo.
iv. Click Add.
D. Sync Chrome across your laptop and phone:
Syncing lets you autofill saved usernames and passwords, connecting you to your bookmarks, history and payment info, across your devices.
To turn on sync, you’ll need a Google Account.
i. Sign in to Chrome with your Google account.
ii. At the top right, click More .
iii. Click Settings.
iii. Under “You and Google,” click Sync and Google services.
4. Use Chrome keyboard shortcuts to save time: (Google Chrome Tips and Shortcuts)
A. Reopen your last closed tab:
Sometimes you realize a split second too late that you shouldn’t have closed that tab. That’s why Chrome lets you bring it back with a few simple key strokes.
* For Windows: Chrome OS & Linux: Ctrl + Shift + T
* For Mac: Command + Shift + T
B. Clear browsing data:
Clear your browsing data in a snap with this shortcut.
* For Windows, Chrome OS & Linux: Ctrl + Shift + Delete
* Mac: Command + Shift + Delete
C. Adjust zoom levels:
Easily zoom in, zoom out, and return to your default zoom with these simple keyboard shortcuts.
* For Windows, Chrome OS & Linux: Ctrl and +
* For Mac: Command and +
* For Windows, Chrome OS & Linux: Ctrl and –
* For Mac: Command and –
* For Windows, Chrome OS & Linux: Ctrl and 0
* For Mac: Command and 0
D. Bookmark current page:
Save your favorite and frequently visited websites with this quick keyboard shortcut.
* For Windows, Chrome OS & Linux: Ctrl + D
* For Mac: Command + D