Best method to uninstall/install corrupted files from PC

Best method to uninstall install corrupted files from PC

The program cannot be uninstall as the files is corrupted, please installed the installation disc, this is the most common problem we faces when we try to uninstall corrupted files from our system.

The corrupted files have problem is uninstalling but also while installation. You might have comes across such condition that you need to install a soft but the installation cannot be completed as the file is corrupted may be due the antivirus as it might have removed the crack. To solve this problem you will need to use a software. There nmay be dozens of software to solve such problem.

Of all the software the most effected is the Microsoft Fix It. This software works 100 percent and also user friendly. You will need to download this software from the official site of Microsoft. After downloading it will check automatically the compabilty with your system.

After installing run the program. You will be asked abou the problem you are facing ei installtion or unintallation, select it as per according to your need. Suppose if you are facing unstallation problem, it will show a list intalled program you will need to select the files and click proceed button. It will automatically start checking the issue and uninstall it by itself.