How To Write Good Content Over Website – S.E.O Friendly

Writing content is an art. Though you might have sufficient knowledge to write on some particular topic, but how to decorate it or how to write where it is search friendly is an art. Search Engines are smart bots that crawls the website, and understand the content in depth.

now based upon your content quality it increase or decrease your overall website ranking.

Following are some suggestions which would help you increasing content search presence:

Heading Should be Catchy and should say clearly about your content:

Ideal Heading should be of 60 – 65 characters. It should tell exactly hat is written in the article and should attract the readers. If your Heading of the content is not matching the content, your quality score would decrease.

Use Starting words in Header in Capital

Ideally the header is something like a sentence, where to start we need capital letter. But if you wish it to make search friendly, use Capital first word. For example: In this Blog (How To Write Good Content Over Website – S.E.O Friendly)  you can see all start words are in Capital.

Use Good Fonts

Don't use any fonts that are not easily readable. Use of Simpler fonts like Times New Roman or Calibri. They are easy to read and are easily crawled by Search engine bots.

Use Good Spacing between Sentences

Give good space between words and spaces, so that they are easier to read. An article which is easier to read and is not clustered, is being given more quality score by search engines.

Give Internal and External Links

If you are writing about some topic, it is really wise to give Hyperlinks to certain Keywords, to some sources. It could be your internal article / blog on the same website (which would increase your Pageviews). Or it could be an external link to other website. Users would feel great about your help and contribution.


Search engines has a Database Management System, where they can easily copy your content and search the same in it Database. If this content is already available somewhere else, you website would be penalise in terms of ranking. Plus you might face a Copyright issue. So it is advisable to write your own original Content.

USE Owned Pictures / Images 

Most of the people just Google the image, save it and use it on their website. But you can face a copyright issue and your entire website would be penalise for such a small mistake. If you wish to use image, give proper credit source, from where the picture has been taken. A small credit to the real owner would make you no loss, but would help you in gaining authentic ranking.

Spelling – Grammar Mistakes

Proof read your article / Blog/ Content before making it Live. Even a small spelling mistake could penalise your article / Blog or content by search engines. So be very careful while you write.


Talk To Your Audience

Everyone who is reading your article / Blog / Content should feel engage. So your writing pattern should be like, you are talking to them. Don't be just informative, but be interactive as well. Start interacting with your users over the Content.

These are some of the Tricks, which would for sure make your article/ Blog or Content Search friendly. Hope you like them, explore more such topics over this website and I am sure you would explore and fall in love this world of Tricks and Tips.