Tricks to Access Hidden files on Mac Devices

Tricks to Access Hidden files on Mac Devices

Hidden folder or hidden directory are are commonly used for storing user preferences or preserving the state of a utility, and are frequently created implicitly by using various utilities. And we do not encourage performing such action, but still for knowledge sake. Comparing with windows the steps involved to access the hidden folder in MAC devices are little complicated.

Here are to steps to follow to access hidden folder in MAC devices.


Step 1

Open Terminal. or just hit the search button on the top-right and type Terminal or find it via LaunchPad. If you prefer going via Finder, Terminal is usually found it in /Applications/Utilities .


Step 2

Paste this exact command in to the Terminal: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE


Step 3

Hit the enter key. Now key in this command: killall Finder and hit Enter again or go to Apple menu (top left) -> Force Quit… -> select Finder and click Relaunch


Step 4

Now you should be able to see hidden files on your Mac. To hide these files again, use this exact command in the terminal: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE


Now you have Learned Tricks to Access Hidden files on Mac Devices.