Numerical Prediction A Mysterious Totaling Magic Trick

Numerical Prediction A Mysterious Totaling Trick

Numerical Prediction – A Mysterious Totaling Trick. The Numerical Prediction trick is a powerful mentalism effect where you predict the total of numbers chosen freely by spectators. With a simple setup and clever handling, this effect creates a convincing display of prediction and mind-reading.

Numerical Prediction – A Mysterious Totaling Trick

Effect Summary

  1. Prediction Envelope: You produce a sealed envelope containing a numerical prediction and place it on the table.
  2. Spectators’ Numbers: Three spectators each write a random number between 1 and 1000 on a blank card.
  3. Totaling the Numbers: A fourth spectator adds up these numbers.
  4. Prediction Reveal: The fourth spectator opens the envelope and discovers the prediction matches the total.

Materials Needed

  • A Sealed Prediction Envelope: Pre-prepared with a card containing the predicted total.
  • Two Blank Cards: One blank card for the spectators to write on, and another pre-prepared with your chosen numbers and total.
  • Pen or Pencil

Setting Up the Trick

  1. Prepare the Prediction:
    • Before the performance, write three random numbers between 1 and 1000 on a card in different handwriting styles.
    • Calculate the total of these three numbers and write it on another card.
    • Place the card with the total in a sealed envelope. This is your prediction envelope.
  2. Have a Duplicate Card Ready:
    • Keep another blank card to hand to the spectators for their numbers during the performance.

Performing the Effect

Step 1: Introduce the Prediction

  1. Show the sealed envelope, explaining it contains a prediction.
  2. Place it on the table in clear view to build suspense.

Step 2: Collecting Numbers from Spectators

  1. Hand the blank card and pen to the first spectator and ask them to write a number between 1 and 1000.
  2. After the first spectator writes their number, ask them to pass the card to the second spectator to write their number beneath it.
  3. The card is then passed to a third spectator who writes their number below the previous two.

Step 3: Switching the Cards

  1. Retrieve the card after all three spectators have written their numbers.
  2. Turn away from the audience as you walk back toward the table, discreetly swapping the spectators’ card for your pre-prepared card with the three preset numbers.
  3. Place the switched card and the sealed envelope with the prediction in the hands of a fourth spectator.

Step 4: Totaling and Revealing the Prediction

  1. Ask the fourth spectator to add up the numbers on the card they hold.
  2. Once they have calculated the total, have them open the envelope and reveal your prediction.
  3. Amazingly, the predicted total matches the calculated total, creating an impressive moment of “mind reading.”

Performance Tips

  • Keep the Fourth Spectator Distant: Ensure the fourth spectator, who reads the numbers, is seated away from the others so they won’t notice the switch.
  • Use Natural Misdirection: Be casual yet purposeful when turning your back and retrieving the envelope. This will help mask the card swap.
  • Build Suspense: Emphasize the impossibility of the prediction to enhance the impact of the reveal.


The Numerical Prediction effect is a straightforward yet stunning mentalism trick that leaves spectators wondering how you could have possibly known the outcome. With careful planning and smooth execution, this trick can deliver a memorable experience for your audience