How to increase browsing speed of chrome browser

How to increase browsing speed of chrome browser

At times, although our Internet speed is good, but browsing speed appears less, and we wonder why it happens. Generally Chrome is supposed to be the fastest browser available, even it can perform well and more browsing speed could be achieved if we follow mentioned steps below, the results would be surprisingly good. How to increase browsing speed of chrome browser learn here.

How to increase browsing speed of chrome browser



  • Disable your Plugin:
  • There are many plugins, which are installed by mistake and we never use it, still they remain there installed in browser. Too many plugins affect the browsing speed. To avoid it, simply open your chrome browser and in the address bar type the following:
  • chrome://plugins/ (you may simply copy it from here and paste in the chrome address bar)
  • Disable (uncheck) the plugins which are not in used. You can also delete the unwanted pugins.


Kind Note:

Be very careful while unchecking or deleting your unwanted plugins because there are many plugins which are responsible for the performance of your browser. You may not want to disable plugins like flash because many web sites use flash to display web pages.



  • Disable your Chrome Extensions:
  • Extensions seriosly affects the browsing speed of the browser. The more extensions you have slower would be the speed. To avoid it, simply open your chrome browser and in the address bar type the following:
  • chrome://extensions/ (you may simply copy it from here and paste in the chrome address bar)
  • Simply uncheck the extensions which are not needed or just delete those extensions which are not needed in future.



Regularly clear your browsing data


Following steps will be helping you in clearing your browsing data:-

1. Click on Control and customize chrome button or Wrench icon.

2. Choose Tools > Clear browsing data.

3. Simply, choose the time range and other types of extra features which are listed below in that dialog box, hit Clear browsing data.


Hope by following above mentioned step, your internet browsing speed at chrome would increase.

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