Facebook App Game Request | Block it | Control your FB

Facebook App Game Request | Block it | Control your FB

Well honestly it is actually annoying receiving an App game request through notification almost on a daily basis and most of the time they are from same users. The user is not intentionally sending you the request, but the App itself reads all his friends list and send the request automatically.

Yes, if you don't want to receive such requests and take full control of your account, you might like to do following things.

  • On the top of the page, on right hand side you can see a small arrow (extreme top right button).
  • It consists of many menu's like Your Pages, Groups, Ads, Activity Log etc.
  • Just click on Settings.
  • On the left hand side there is a tab named "Blocking". Click on it
  • Now on the left hand side, there is an option named "Apps". Click on it.
  • First list is off those Apps, whom you have ever used on Facebook. You can either Edit it by clicking the pencil icon just right side of the App name. Or you may just remove it by clicking the cross at the right hand side of the App.

These all steps would resolve your issue. But if you are really irritated of App requests and plugins and just wish to use Facebook for Social networking and nothing else, you might like to follow additional steps.

  • On the same Page – Settings – Apps, scroll down the page and you would see Apps, Websites and Plugins, by default it is enabled.
  • Click on Edit and you can disable it.



If you disable it, you would have to face following things:

  • You will not be able to log into websites or applications using Facebook.
  • Your friends won't be able to interact and share with you using apps and websites.
  • Instant personalization will also be turned off.
  • Apps you've previously installed may still have info you shared. Please contact these apps for details on removing this data.
  • Apps you've logged into (with Facebook or Anonymously) will be removed.
  • Posts by apps will be removed from your profile.

Hope this resolves your entire issue, and works for you. Post a comment for any clarification.