Cutting Cards by Touch  A Mystifying Card Trick

Cutting Cards by Touch  A Mystifying Card Trick

Cutting Cards by Touch A Mystifying Card Trick. The “Cutting Cards by Touch” effect is an impressive demonstration of card manipulation and skill, making it seem as though you can cut to any number of cards simply by touch. With a special deck and some clever techniques, you can create a magical experience for your spectators.

Cutting Cards by Touch A Mystifying Card Trick

Effect Summary

  1. Random Number Selection: A spectator calls out a random number (e.g., 23).
  2. Card Cutting: You cut a packet of cards from a deck and present it to the spectator.
  3. Perfect Match: The spectator counts the cards, confirming there are exactly 23 cards.

Materials Needed

  • Stripper Deck (or Wizard Deck): A deck of cards where each card is tapered, making it wider at one end than the other. This feature allows you to feel the card positions easily.
  • Practice: While this effect requires practice, it’s significantly less than what you might imply during your performance.

Setting Up the Deck

To perform the “Cutting Cards by Touch” effect, set up your stripper deck in one of the following ways:

  1. Reverse Every Tenth Card: This is a straightforward method where you reverse the orientation of every tenth card in the deck.
  2. Packets of Four: Arrange the deck in groups of four cards, ensuring that each group of four has its cards reversed relative to the next group.

Performing the Effect

Step 1: Presenting the Deck
  1. Introduce the Deck: Show the deck to the audience, emphasizing that you have honed your ability to cut to a number solely by touch.
  2. Spectator Call: Ask a spectator to call out a random number between 1 and the total number of cards in the deck.
Step 2: Cutting the Cards
  1. Counting Packets:
    • Use your thumb to count off the separate packets, aiming to get as close to the spectator’s number as possible.
    • Keep your thumb hidden at the back of the deck to avoid detection.
  2. Completing the Cut:
    • Once you have the approximate number, hold the pack slightly open using your little finger.
    • Either let the top cards drop or pick up additional cards with your thumb to complete the count, ensuring it matches the spectator’s call.

Alternative Handling: Si Stebbins Stack

  1. Prepare the Deck: Arrange the stripper deck in a Si Stebbins stack.
    • Deal off 13 cards, reversing the orientation of the first card you deal.
    • Place this packet back on top of the deck.
  2. Demonstration:
    • Announce that if you wanted to cut off 13 cards, you would do the following.
    • Cut off the top 13 cards by locating the reversed card, count them out loud, and place this packet back on top.
  3. Mind Reading Setup: After demonstrating your ability to cut to 13 cards, you now have a Si Stebbins deck ready for a mind-reading effect later in your performance.

Performance Tips

  • Practice Handling: The key to this effect is your ability to handle the cards smoothly. Practice the thumb counting technique until it feels natural.
  • Engaging Patters: Use engaging and mysterious patter to enhance the effect. For instance, you could talk about your years of practice, or how touch can reveal secrets hidden in the cards.
  • Audience Management: Ensure that your spectators are not positioned too close to see any mechanics of the trick. Create a mystique about your abilities.


The “Cutting Cards by Touch” effect is a captivating card trick that combines skill with a touch of mystery. With a properly prepared deck and some practice, you can amaze your audience by seemingly cutting to their chosen number without any visible means. This effect not only showcases your card handling prowess but also opens the door for further magical demonstrations.